Water Roux:
1) 20g bread flour
2) 100g water
Mix ingredients 1 and 2 in a pot until flour is fully dissolved. Cook over slow fire and stir non-stop to prevent burning the base. Keep stirring until u see streaks are formed while stirring.
Cool down the water roux with a piece of glad wrap with the wrap touching the surface to prevent the surface from drying up.
Mixture A
1) 210g bread flour
2) 56g cake flour/plain flour
3) 20g milk powder
4) 42g caster sugar
5) ½ tsp salt
6) 6g instant yeast
Mixture B
1) 30g egg (mixed yolk and white)
2) 85g water
3) 84g water roux
Mixture C
1) 22g unsalted butter
1)Mix mixture A (except yeast) thoroughly.
2)Add mixture B and yeast in bread machine pan and wait for 5 min for the yeast to dissolve.
3)Add in mixture A into the bread machine pan and set the bread machine for SWEET DOUGH mode and press START.
4)After 15 mins of mixing the dough, add in mixture C. Stop the machine and reset to SWEET DOUGH mode and press START.
5)After 30mins, the bread machine will stop and let the dough to prove instead the machine.
6)After proving for at least 35-40mins, remove the dough from the machine and punch out the air.
7)Divide the dough into 9 equal size portions and roll them into ball. Rest them for 10 mins.
8)After 10 mins rest, wrap red bean paste (according to your preference of sweetness) with each portion and roll into balls.
9)Proof the red bean unbaked buns inside the oven (not switched on) with 2 cups of hot water to simulate a proofing environment for 40 mins.
10)After final proofing, brush egg mixture over the surface and put black sesame seeds.
11)Bake for 15-20mins for 170 degree celcius.
For me, instead of using bread machine, i hand kneaded the bread and put cheese filling instead of red bean paste. Check out my pix below!!!
Hand knead the dough for 20 mins
Able to pull a thin layer without breaking -> dough has kneaded well with elasticitiy. Rest the dough for 40mins
After proofing for 40mins till double the original size, divide into smaller balls and rest for 10mins
Fill the balls with slice cheese and roll into balls. Send for another round of proofing of 40mins till double size
Prepare the cheese toppings which is made of grated cheddar cheese mixed with sugar
Dough after been proofed for 40 mins
Brush the surface with egg and top with a slice of cheese and sprinkle grated cheese mixture
Bake for 15-20mins at 170 degree celcius
See how flurry the bread is